

  • 莉娜·希尔从学院院长晋升为 教务长 2021年7月1日.
  • 莱斯利·温加德·坎宁安被提名 学院发展副教务长 2022年12月. 作为副教务长, Wingard Cunningham will serve as a member of the provost’s leadership team, 努力培养一个协调一致的人, 有意和有力地加强多样性, 学术事务中的公平和包容.


  • 通识教育:W&L’s faculty has undertaken a multi-year effort to evaluate the university’s general education curriculum and propose revisions that ensure the curriculum will prepare students for success as eng年龄d citizens in a global and diverse society. 新课程, 哪一个是在2022年被教员批准的, 会在几年内逐步实施吗.
  • 教学评估: Bias in teaching evaluations can be a barrier to an equitable tenure and promotion process. Research has demonstrated bias based on gender and race in student evaluations, with variation across departmental instruments also causing inequities. The University Committee on 教学评估 is studying best practices to bring recommendations to the faculty for improving our teaching evaluation processes.
  • 哈特教与学中心:于2021年秋季开业, the state-of-the-art Harte Center serves two primary functions: supporting faculty development towards becoming ever-better teachers through workshops, 实验教室, 演讲, 实践的空间, and uses of new 技术 and techniques in teaching; and supporting an increasingly diverse student body through tutoring expertise, 写作和交流中心, 执行功能支持, 小组和个人学习课程, 以及新技术在学习中的应用. Every academic undergraduate department and program has developed a DEI initiative.
  • 泰德·德莱尼博士后项目:成立于W&L in 2020 through the university’s membership in the Consortium for 教师 Diversity, the program attracts several highly qualified faculty to teach courses, 每年进行研究并指导学生.


  • 大学成立 德莱尼中心, a new interdisciplinary academic center for teaching and research on Southern race relations, 文化, 还有政治,以纪念已故的名誉历史学教授 小西奥多·泰德·卡特·德莱尼. ’85. Dr. 迈克尔·希尔 在2022年被任命为中心的首任主任.
  • 法学院开设了一个新的诊所,重点是 民权和种族正义 in 2021. Professor Carla Laroche leads the clinic, whose initial focus is on housing and employment cases.
  • 法律、正义与社会: In 2019, 这所大学开设了一个新的法律专业, 正义, 和社会, an interdisciplinary approach to legal studies that draws from faculty and resources in all three schools at Washington and Lee. 该项目提供课程和本科辅修课程.
  • 课程: 课程的多样性是W的核心承诺&我的教师. Newly added courses include The Politics of Memorials: Making and Shaping History, 非裔美国人思想史, 和黑人激进女性. 最近的其他课程包括民权和美国法律.S. Department of 正义's Civil Rights Division; Protest Poetry; Shut up and Play: Black Athletes and 激进主义; Material Culture and Protest; Early African American Print; After Namibia: Afro-German Poetics, 激进主义, and Hip Hop; The Economics of Race; and Critical Race Theory.
  • 以社区为基础的学习: Community-based learning (CBL) is an educational approach that integrates learning and mentorship with community eng年龄ment through reciprocal community partnerships and critical reflection. CBL提供入门课程, 听见的声音, in which students learn the basics of community-eng年龄d learning through projects and speakers that focus on the history and present-day trajectory of Black Lexington and Rockbridge County. CBL also offers courses at Augusta Correctional Center that combine W&L学生及囚犯, one of which resulted in a student-sponsored exhibition of art created by the inmates.
  • 高级浸入式辅导计划(AIM) 提供全额资助, five-week research and leadership experience on campus before classes start, exclusively for entering first-year students from widely diverse backgrounds.


  • 年讲座: The university offers several annual lectures honoring pioneers in diversity and inclusion at W&L, 包括法学院的莱斯·史密斯讲座, 这所学校向第一位非裔美国毕业生致敬, 以及非洲研究项目的德莱尼讲座, which honors the late professor of history emeritus Ted DeLaney ’85.
  • 专业发展:融入多样性, equity and inclusion into the classroom and the workplace is an ongoing priority at W&L. Recent programming at Fall and Winter Academies included sessions on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education; Inclusive Teaching and Mentoring; Leveraging Technology to Cultivate an Inclusive Classroom; Applied Inclusive Pedagogy; Disability, Diversity and Inclusivity; Intentional Mentoring of Diverse Students; Helping 教师 Support Students from Marginalized Communities; Understanding the Challenges that Undocumented Immigrant Students Face; Strategies for Inclusive Pedagogy; Library Challenges and Resources related to Diversity and Inclusivity; and Mentoring Under-Represented Students.
  • Past programs: Recent programs related to DEI have included:

    • “探索高等教育中的反种族主义倡议”, a year-long learning community co-sponsored by the Harte Center, 包容与参与办公室, 非洲研究, 和学术技术. 在队列中工作, participating faculty and staff sought out resources that address essential anti-racist practices in curricula, 课程设计, 教育学, 学术文化, 社会文化, 制度文化, 个人心态和定位, 技术, 以及参与者建议的其他话题.
    • 激进主义与黑人生活: W赞助&L的非洲研究项目, this yearlong series included participants from multiple disciplines and various academic and civic institutions and explores how the struggle for freedom shapes Black identity. 活动包括讲座, 面板, 圆桌会议, 辩论, 以及“关注黑人”(LAB)倡议, 哪些活动有电影放映和聆听活动.
